Deutsche in Nahost

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A man walks past a church through a deserted alley in Old Jerusalem with most shops closed due to the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas movement, on October 11, 2023. Israeli cities have been eerily quiet and tense, with some residents noting a growing sense of fear and distrust between Jews and members of the Arab-Israeli minority, while Israeli border police shot dead two Palestinians in annexed east Jerusalem on October 11 after they threw fireworks and rocks at fellow officers, the force said.
A man walks past a church through a deserted alley in Old Jerusalem with most shops closed due to the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas movement, on October 11, 2023. Israeli cities have been eerily quiet and tense, with some residents noting a growing sense of fear and distrust between Jews and members of the Arab-Israeli minority, while Israeli border police shot dead two Palestinians in annexed east Jerusalem on October 11 after they threw fireworks and rocks at fellow officers, the force said.

Tausende Deutsche befinden sich aktuell in Israel, einem Land, das sich seit einer Woche im Krieg befindet. Die Heimkehr ist nicht immer leicht. Vier von ihnen erzählen, was sie erlebt haben – und warum sie noch da sind.

Von Pegah Julia Meggendorfer
13. Oktober 2023 - 6 Min. Lesezeit

Als Hatice alte Ruinen einer Kreuzfahrerkirche in Jerusalem besichtigte, sah sie etwas vom Himmel fallen.