
Germany 2050
:A journey into the climate future

Droughts and forest fires will become the rule, snow at Christmas the exception: Global warming will turn Germany into a different country by 2050. An outlook.

By Benjamin von Brackel, Sabrina Ebitsch, Christoph von Eichhorn, Sandra Hartung, Jonas Jetzig, Stefan Kloiber, Sophie Menner, Sören Müller-Hansen, Oliver Schnuck and David Wünschel

Our climate future
:Climate change on your doorstep

Extreme weather again and again: The climate crisis will change the climate in Germany in the coming decades. Find out interactively whether your region will suffer more than others - and what better climate protection could do at home.

By Sandra Hartung, Stefan Kloiber, Sören Müller-Hansen and Oliver Schnuck

Effects of global warming
:And it gets even hotter

Climate change is not far away, neither in time nor geographically. Global warming will make life in Germany more uncertain by 2050.

By Christoph von Eichhorn

SZ international
:Articles of international interest in English
