Die strittige Szene beginnt ab Minute 25:45 in diesem Video. Darin zeigt Yanis Varoufakis den Mittelfinger - eine Manipulation, sagt Griechenlands Finanzminister. Wegen des Dolmetschers, der Varoufakis ins Deutsche übersetzt, war während der Ausstrahlung kaum zu verstehen, was der griechische Finanzminister auf Englisch genau gesagt hat. Die Redaktion von Günther Jauch hat nun den Worlaut dokumentiert.
Günther Jauch: Der Stinkefinger für Deutschland, Herr Minister. Die Deutschen zahlen am meisten und werden dafür mit Abstand am stärksten kritisiert. Wie passt das zusammen?
Yanis Varoufakis: Well, can I make a very simple point? That video was doctored! I never gave the finger. I've never given the finger ever. This was doctored, and I feel ashamed that I am part of a program which shows a video, I'm sure you didn't know that, but let me assure you that I never pointed the finger. It was a doctored video. It is exactly the same way, there is another video doing the rounds in Greece, where supposedly I am giving my hand to Mr. Dijsselbloem, and I am pulling it back. I wish that you could annul that video because I can tell you I never, the, it never happened. I have been making a point, ever since the crisis began... I'm sorry!
Jauch: Also nach unseren Informationen ist das passiert bei einer Konferenz in Zagreb im Jahr 2013.
Varoufakis: It didn't! That was footage from that conference, but that, the finger, was doctored! I can assure you. I can prove this beyond reasonable doubt, and I wish that you could simply take it away. It never happened. You can check my, you can look at all my writings. In 2013, ladies and gentlemen, in Handelsblatt I published an article, in which I said that what Europe needs, is a hegemonic Germany! Do you think this is consistent with what you showed? I very much would like to ask you to reconsider. You heard what I said right at the beginning of the program about the importance of Greeks and Germans and Europeans thinking as Europeans. This was a dynamite that you added!